Tuesday, March 20, 2007 |
diaphragmic spasms |
Last night I got the hiccups five minutes before going to bed. I had already experienced an hour long bout with them earlier in the day and needless to say I was not all that impressed when I was hit with them again. It’s exhausting really, and when you would prefer to be sleeping and instead are just waiting for the next ‘hiccUP’ to hit you, it’s easy to become annoyed. I know I was. Speaking of annoyed, the pattern continued into my morning. After staying up later than I wanted to, I had to wake up early to register for next years’ classes. I was tempted to skip my first class, like usual, because it is a waste of life (and I don’t say that lightly), but instead went because I always feel I will miss something. I should have slept in. I only get dumber in EDEL 305. I would like to share my favourite lines from the professor of this class:
“Who knows how this word would be pronounced in any of the Spanish languages!” “When you’re high, you’re happy!” “In my next life, I think I will work in a pickle factory where all I have to do is put 15 pickles into a jar and put the lid on tightly.”
In other news, I bought fantastic rubber boots last week that I like to wear while doing homework. They are purple, green, yellow and blue. Sometimes you just have to walk through the puddles.
posted by michelle @ 7:36 PM  |