Thursday, March 22, 2007 |
Today I took a walk outside with my rubber boots for the first time upon purchasing them. I had taken a walk earlier and had arrived home with soggy socks. So, when I thought that it was high time for me to get to Macs to buy a Dr.Pepper (medicinal reasons, don't ask) I decided to wear my rubber boots and walk through all the puddles on purpose. As I walked through the puddles I envisioned myself as Ramona Quimby dancing and cartwheeling in the rain on that one "Rainy Sunday" (name of the chapter) when she was stuck inside. Actually I didn't at all. That was a complete fabrication. Some of the puddles were SO deep and I could cruise through without any hesitation. I was invincible to the powers of water. Unfortunatly, not completely invincible to the powers of other peoples' bewildered stares; however, I told myself "that guy my age staring at my multi-coloured rubber boots is so jealous of me right now. sooo jealous."
also. I painted my boots for my "Daily Required Artistic Workout" (DRAW.) ILA. (I love acronymns.) EWTAAGWWIITA. (Especially when the actual acronymn goes with what it is talking about.) Elementary education is overflowing with acronymns..
DEAR --> Drop Everything And Read
KWL--> What do I KNOW, What do I WANT to know, What did I LEARN
RTWYCB -->Remember To Wear Your Christmas Brooches
Oh. Also, today I was walking to Grant MacDaddo to visit Luke and the noise of my library book hitting a library DVD sounded like one of those weird toys that I never understood. I never had fun with them nor did I ever see anyone else getting any enjoyment out of them. What were they called and what was the freaking point? I couldn't find a picture anywhere cause I did not know how to google it even. YIKES. So I drew it for my own peace of mind.

posted by michelle @ 9:07 PM  |