Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Sept 16th was a long time ago. How does one summarize what has happened in their life in the last 7ish months? EASY.

1. Oct.15th - Dec.14th I was student teaching at Prince Charles Elementary which is a school for aboriginal children. It was somethin’ else. I have never been so consistently tired in my whole life. I taught in a grade 2/3 class which I thought meant “oh cute!” but after about 16 minutes in the classroom I thought “oh shoot!” No matter what they may tell you in university…there ARE bad kids in this world, and most of them are in Room 7. They have hard lives though, which is one reason why I could look past the profanity, the obscene drawings and the violence.

2. Jan.7th 2008, my last semester of this degree began. I was expecting to slack and have some relaxation after the above experience. WRONGO. I started to work again at Second Cup. I also had to start the process of applying to school boards. I also continued to volunteer at Prince Charles. I also had a wedding to start thinking about more. I also had relationships to build, people to see, homework to do, and make-up to apply. I had worries to worry and curries to curry. Anyways, needless to say I have never felt so bombarded by business and tired. Always so tired.

3. Here we are at April 1st and I am feeling the heat of final assignments, summer job lookin’ and the imminence of final exams. I have 6 more shifts at SC and then I am OUT of there. I have done all my school board shit. Most major wedding decisions have been made. I am majoring in fragmented sentences. Basically I am still pretty stressed. There are so many unknowns in my life. There are also some really great things in my life.
1. In 100 days I am marrying my bestest friend ever.
2. I am graduating. As scary as that is, it is also really great.
3. I remembered the password and sign-in information to this blog.

Welcome back, me.
posted by michelle @ 4:01 PM  
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