If you've got time, I'd like to rhyme...
Marry -The tallest man in the world (7 ft 9) has found love. He searched high and low and found the 5 ft. 6 woman of his dreams. The height of his love surpasses the height of his body. sigh, I guess it's true what they say; love conquers tall. i mean all.
Berry Today we had strawberries for supper. Yum. They were tasty and made me super excited for summer,sandals and sprinklers.
Dairy Makes my stomach hurt and sometimes gives me diarrhea. Know what else does? School. I am pretty stressed right now, that's why I am on here, cause it gets my homework done. Unit plans up the yinger, assignments out the yanger. You do the math.
Scary Today I was on a walk/run and a seedy* looking man started following me in his truck. It was frightening and I prayed and prayed and prayed and ran. This is not the first time this has happened to me, but it's not one of those things that becomes "old hat" if you know what I am saying. Good thing I had my New Balance running shoes on and good thing I have long legs and good thing there was a Macs for me to run to and good thing it was in broad daylight. So many things to be thankful for. GOOD THING. *he really did look seedy, but it was his actions I was afraid of, not his long hair. |