i cannot BELIEVE it is the end of April. gazooks. And I STILL don't have a summer job; however, I do have an interview today for a job with basically no hours. well. it's a start. Yesterday I wrote my EDEL 305 final, aka, "crazy teacher" and she was basically normal, until 11:00 hit (the end of the test) and she said "It's about that time... time to coral up the horses and put them away." Horses? Thanks Debbie. If there is one animal that makes me laugh/smile/sneeze it is the horse. I don't really like them at all, but I pass them everyday on the way to school (Edmonton Equestrian Club) and I always read the sign that says "VOLUNTEERS WANTED!" and I make a joke... everyday...to myself about volunteering with the horses. When I worked at camp, I always made jokes about the horses. And the Horsemanship Kids .. "canter on down to the campfire"... "love your neiiighhhh-bor", you get the idea. There is something about horse girls, wearing horse t-shirts and laying on their horse comforter and gazing up at that poster of a ... unicorn(?!) that gives me great joy.  Anyways, my brother sent with my parents a great present for me: "The Armada Pony Box: six adventures by your favourite pony authors" It is indeed a boxed set, but there are only 5, and only room for 5. Sometimes ponies are not very good at math because their benchmark numbers are not 5 (fingers) but 1 (hoof). And that is likely what happened. I don't know if I have a favourite pony author, but I have in the past liked the work of Flicka... on to "Jackie's Show Jumping Surprise!" |
I'm so glad love your new book set... we were so excited to come across it- a real gem...ponies ponies ponies.. we had a few giggles in the store and the brother was quite sure you'd love it!
happy reading..