Hi friends. I don't know if anyone will be reading this because it probably seemed like I was DEAD; however, I am not. I decided to rekindle the blogging fire I never had because I don't have homework anymore.
A lot has happened in my life since I last wrote on this here inter-communcation site. I graduated from University, I got married, I moved out of my family home, I moved in with a boy (who I also share a bed with), I became an Aunty, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law, and my bestest pal moved far away from me. Most of these things are great. Some aren't. I miss Jenny, and sometimes I miss sleeping alone in my twin bed. (sshhhhhh!)
July and August were a harrowing experience. For the first month of marriage, Luke and I thought that maybe a key factor in marriage was unpacking, repacking, sorting, and taking things from the trunk and moving them into our little home. The week after we got married was AWFUL! There was a flood, a melted crockpot, a wrong turn out of Jasper, two photo radar tickets and the daily realization that life will never be easy. frig! We are finally settled, Luke is in school and we like being together which is a good thing cause we're in it for the long haul! We spend our evenings drinking tea, reading books and watching "American Dreams" on dvd. About one hour ago you would have found us with a cup of Earl Gray and me reading aloud from "The Willoughbys." We'll never be all that hip, but we dress ok and we make good choices.
I don't have the teaching job that I have desired so badly. There are days when I am filled with pep and determination to fight my way into the ever-so-coveted Edmonton Public school board, and then there are days when I am discouraged and blink tears into my pillow. It isn't fair to go to school for the only job you've ever really wanted to do only to not be given a shot. I am working at an after-school program but it doesn't pay well and it isn't teaching. I tried to tell myself that I could be content this year doing something else, but the reality is that I am a teacher and therefore...I want to teach. The fat lady has not sung yet though and I will try to store up that pep and determination so I don't waste too many tears on a year that could be really rewarding and fun. I don't have homework or lesson plans so...bring on the books! crafts! apple crisp! clubs!