Tuesday, June 26, 2007 |
$6.66 |
-that was a kid's change yesterday. I made a big deal about it. But c'mon...
Today was great. Well good. A day that had more good things than bad things so it went beyond neutral and into "good." My boss gave me a travel mug that is originally 17.95 but had a couple chips in the inside layer so I got it fo' free. Not my favourite colour but free!!! I was pretty excited about it, I love getting presents-ish and I would be doing something and think..."what was that really neat thing that happened? Oh YA! The travel mug!" And THIS way, I can save trees wherever I go. yipp.
yesterday I watched "Mad Hot Ballroom" which was TRES bien. I really want to learn to ballroom dance someday. seriously. tonight I will ask Luke if he wants to too and I will be rejected pronto. But I have rhythm and I have music and I've got my guy (even if he won't dance with me) so basically...who could ask for anything more? My favourite was when the kids were talking about puberty and saying " then we'll have to wash twice a day...and wear deoderant...and get hair in funny places..." The day before that I watched "Spellbound" which was ALSO so good. The best line? "Besides spelling, I like rollercoasters....and I'm a vegetarian...and I like to drink coffee...."
GEEZ I love kids.
The day before THAT...I watched the first Harry Potter movie. I like to see REALLY popular movies once everyone else in the world has seen them. I can't wait to get my hands on that fourth book. arrghhh.
Until then, I am reading "DeNiro's Game" which is dark, depressing and I do not relate at all to the main character. poop.
Caylie...i would have many things to say to you about Nancy Drew. let's talk. yesterday I was at wee-book inn and was looking so hard for the "Mystery at the Ski Slopes" *(or something) cause that one was my favourite. no dice. |
posted by michelle @ 4:55 PM  |
michelle, i have so many things to say.
first off: i would love to talk to you about nancy drew. hey, i will be in the city this weekend. i am driving there tonight. want to hang out? maybe you could help me leave my crafts all over the city. as for nancy drew, i think my favorite book was the spider sapphire mystery, but maybe only because i like spiders and sapphire is my birthstone.
i like the you watch really popular movies WAAAY after everyone else has seen them. i'm that way too, for both music and movies. my average delay time is 4 years, but some are way longer. like, i only watched "ghostbusters" and "the karate kid" for the first time last year. holé.
i loved "spellbound" and "mad hot ballroom." in fact, i am planning on taking ballroom dancing classes at the u of a next year! you should come! i am sure the classes will be full of charming, good-looking, intelligent young gentlemen that you can flirt with on behalf of me. or maybe not? i just want to take classes because i really like dancing but i really panic when i have to dance with someone. like, stiffness and sweaty-palms style panic. i need to get over it.
call me or e-mail me or write me on my blog or something if y'wanna/can hang out this weekend. i'm going to a powwow near morinville on saturday night - maybe you'd like to come?
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i have so many things to say.
first off:
i would love to talk to you about nancy drew. hey, i will be in the city this weekend. i am driving there tonight. want to hang out? maybe you could help me leave my crafts all over the city. as for nancy drew, i think my favorite book was the spider sapphire mystery, but maybe only because i like spiders and sapphire is my birthstone.
i like the you watch really popular movies WAAAY after everyone else has seen them. i'm that way too, for both music and movies. my average delay time is 4 years, but some are way longer. like, i only watched "ghostbusters" and "the karate kid" for the first time last year. holé.
i loved "spellbound" and "mad hot ballroom." in fact, i am planning on taking ballroom dancing classes at the u of a next year! you should come! i am sure the classes will be full of charming, good-looking, intelligent young gentlemen that you can flirt with on behalf of me. or maybe not? i just want to take classes because i really like dancing but i really panic when i have to dance with someone. like, stiffness and sweaty-palms style panic. i need to get over it.
call me or e-mail me or write me on my blog or something if y'wanna/can hang out this weekend. i'm going to a powwow near morinville on saturday night - maybe you'd like to come?