I had yesterday and today off. I like days off. I decided last week that my ideal working day would be from 1:00pm -2:00pm. That way I could wake up and do fun things in the morning, watch Ellen, get ready for work, go to work, be done really fast and then have the whole afternoon to do fun stuff. I shared this with people at work and we didn't see eye to eye. They said they would get bored. Bored? Of fun stuff?
Second Cup is getting better. It was never horrible but it was overwhelming. I feel way more comfortable there and even whistle and dance to the music. There are already customers that remember me and one even asked me to sit on his knee. Sorry Peter, no one's gonna buy the ice cream truck if I'm handing out the popsicles for free. I found out that my coworker smokes a bowl a day. I was pretty excited to hear that because me and Luke are gonna have "special brownies" when we are 23 and now I have someone to help me with ingredients. I also have a year and a half before I am 23, but it's good to think ahead.

Speaking of Luke and how hot he is... i mean, yesterday me and luke went for a bike ride on our new bikes. We went to Hawrelak park and on the big hills coming back we didn't even have to get off our bikes. I'll put a picture that my mom made us take. Now we have like three pictures of us together. That will be one short powerpoint presentation! That was a joke.
you should spray paint them red. like the challengers.