Saturday, April 28, 2007 |
f-f-f-f-fractions. |
I love fractions. always have.
- 1/2 past 10 on a friday means a new episode of "Engaged and Underaged." - i am 1/3 children in my family, and quality wise, 10/10= 1/1= #1. eat that boys. - I like eating cookies in thirds. 1/3 at 8:00 in the morning, 2/3 when I come home from school.
.. and now, I am done 3/4 of my post-secondary experience. Eight months left and I am finished. "helllllo gynocology." barf. no thanks. The only thing spreading in MY job will be germs.
It is pretty nice to think about a summer of no homework and no camp. First one ever basically. I will have access to a television, and a selection of movies that is not Veggie Tales or McGee and Me. I am working on my summer reading list. So far-->
1.Finish the Harry Potter series- J.K.Rowling (follow up with God, the Devil and Harry Potter by John Killinger.) 2.The Kite Runner- Hosseini, Khaled. 3.Finding Fish Fisher- Antwone Quenton 4.The End of the Alphabet- Richardson, C. S. (Charles Scott) 5. Lullabies for Little Criminals- O'Neill, Heather 6.The Girls- Lawsens, Lori 7.The Space between Us. Umrigar, Thrity **started yesterday. GOOD.
Things are shaping up well. Besides the "no job" thing. ho ho ho.
This is going to be LONG because I can. Last night me and Luke went to Government House Park to play frisbee but it was too hilly and busy, so we sat on a picnic table and people watched. There were these two boys doing jumps with their bikes and their parents were taking pictures for quite awhile. Then the parents went for a walk and then we could hear this... Boy: DUSTIN! Get off my bike! DUSTIN! Get off my bike! Dustin rides by. Boy: GET OFF MY BIKE! I just got it and you have ridden it more than me! GET OFF MY BIKE! (this was a yell/growl.) Dustin continues to fool brother. Boy: I JUST GOT IT AND YOU HAVE RIDDEN IT MORE THAN ME! GET OFF MY BIKE YOU STUPID IDIOT* *yes, that was the real language. i am sorry. Finally after quite a display of biking and yelling, Boy gets his bike back. then we heard... Boy: YOU BROKE MY LEFT GEAR CHANGER!
Me and luke then discussed how that would likely happen for the rest of his life with Dustin. Even with girls. Then Luke started switching the word "bike" with "girlfriend." It was inappropriate. I still laughed though. Until the gear changer part, that didn't work at all. |
posted by michelle @ 12:38 PM  |
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 |
ponies in peril |
 i cannot BELIEVE it is the end of April. gazooks. And I STILL don't have a summer job; however, I do have an interview today for a job with basically no hours. well. it's a start. Yesterday I wrote my EDEL 305 final, aka, "crazy teacher" and she was basically normal, until 11:00 hit (the end of the test) and she said "It's about that time... time to coral up the horses and put them away." Horses? Thanks Debbie. If there is one animal that makes me laugh/smile/sneeze it is the horse. I don't really like them at all, but I pass them everyday on the way to school (Edmonton Equestrian Club) and I always read the sign that says "VOLUNTEERS WANTED!" and I make a joke... everyday...to myself about volunteering with the horses. When I worked at camp, I always made jokes about the horses. And the Horsemanship Kids .. "canter on down to the campfire"... "love your neiiighhhh-bor", you get the idea. There is something about horse girls, wearing horse t-shirts and laying on their horse comforter and gazing up at that poster of a ... unicorn(?!) that gives me great joy.  Anyways, my brother sent with my parents a great present for me: "The Armada Pony Box: six adventures by your favourite pony authors" It is indeed a boxed set, but there are only 5, and only room for 5. Sometimes ponies are not very good at math because their benchmark numbers are not 5 (fingers) but 1 (hoof). And that is likely what happened. I don't know if I have a favourite pony author, but I have in the past liked the work of Flicka... on to "Jackie's Show Jumping Surprise!" |
posted by michelle @ 9:16 AM  |
Monday, April 16, 2007 |
Where does time go? |
Today I handed in my last assignment of the semester. The gratification was low seeing as I have hit the stage in the semester we all refer to as "I don't give a rat's ass." Deep down I do, but it's just finding that little stored up compartment of motivation that is tricky. I think I can. I think I can. On Friday, me and my friend went and ate supper at the Legislature and as we were eating our food from WENDY's there was this running group with a dictator leader who was making them run up and down hills like maniacs. We felt for them, and enjoyed our chicken burgers.  There they are. This was post- hill running, squats and lunges. yeesh. Like 30 minutes ago my momma and I got our blood pressure taken. For fun. I'm at 101/66 which is pretty low. Momma has low BP too, she says that's why I pass out in the shower and feel woozy upon standing. |
posted by michelle @ 5:17 PM  |
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 |
The End |
Is in sight. Tomorrow is my last day of classes. wow. Tomorrow I will experience my favourite/least-favourite teacher for the last time. It is always a little sad saying goodbye to my table friends. That's the thing with table friends... you see them twice a week and have good chats that range from "have you started your unit plan yet?" to " Where did you get your shirt?" to "Hey, do you guys watch MTV?" (hmm. that last one is usually me.) I find that the worse your prof is, the closer you get to your tablemates. So...there's a little silver lining for yer soul. Anyways, tomorrow will be our last classes together, and then I might not see them ever again. Thank goodness I have facebook. barf.
Speaking of MTV, in the last couple months I have watched barely any television and therefore did not keep up with the quality television of channel 90. On Monday I got to watch a marathon of "The Hills" which always makes me CRAVE some Prada panties and Louis Vuitton toilet seat covers. And then... I was able to watch a new little gem entitled: Engaged and Underaged. Engaged couples under 21. couple #1. return from honeymoon to trees on house. move in with his parents. couple #2. can't afford a house, buy a motorhome, park it on the property of his parents.
I should get back to homework. I was inturrupted by my father ; dad: me and mom were having some trouble getting onto the internet. me: oh? are all your cords plugged in? did you restart the computer? (computer genius.) dad: well is e-mail and surfing the web the same thing? cause we wanted to surf the web.
-in the end it was a simple .ca/.com mix up. surfing is NOT as easy as it looks. believe me. |
posted by michelle @ 10:01 PM  |
Tuesday, April 3, 2007 |
when life hands you lemonade... |
drink it.
The last couple weeks have been pretty terrible stress-wise. I have some major assignments that could suck the fun out of funeral, function and fungus. However, today has been ever so pleasant despite the hours of homework I have ahead of me in the next 48 hours. Why?
- I have pop to drink. - I got to watch Ellen Degeneres dance. - I got to watch my mom dance. - I thought I lost my bus pass at school which was followed by inner dialogue containing obscenities which was followed by me finding it and thanking Jesus and apologizing for the previous unnecessary obscenities. - My busdriver just moved from Vancouver and did not know the #4 route so an old lady was yelling directions at him. When she got off he got this girl to be his navigator; turns out the navigator needed a navigator so he missed our exit off the Whitemud and had to detour. It was all so funny. I sat in my seat and smiled.
Back to work. With my pop. Not my father, the beverage. |
posted by michelle @ 2:39 PM  |